How to Make Money Online by Podcast Editing and Publishing Guide (Including step by step S.O.P for V.A)
(This guide was edited from Taylor Pearson giveaway)
Additional Note: This is an example using a show I hosted previously that can be modified for any podcast. It is set up for a podcast hosted on WordPress using the Libsyn Podcast hosting and the Blubrry plugin and edited using Adobe Audition.
Balancing the Volume Level Part 2
Finalizing the Post and Scheduling for Publishing
Editing SOP
General Notes:
- Save Early and Often to your Local Machine
- Podcast should to be as tight as possible, take out any silences or excessive umms
- Before editing for the first time, listen to any podcast show on iTunes to get a feel fof it, how it’s edited and what the volume level is.
Typical Show Format:
- Recorded Intro
- Custom Intro recorded by the host
- Interview
- Recorded Outro
Getting Started
Open Adobe Audition
Download .wav file of the interview itself and the introduction to that interview from Unedited Interview folder in dropbox to Adobe Audition
Separating Tracks –
If the interview was done over the phone and not recorded directly into audition, then you’ll need to separate the tracks so that you have one track of each person’s voice.
To do so:
- Right Click on the File in Waveform and Select Extract Channels to Mono Files
- You Should get 4 files total – 2 files each that are clear of each person’s voice. Select the clearest version of each person’s side and drag them into a new multitrack session
Silencing Tracks
Create a new multitrack session using the interviewee’s name and save it to a new folder for that episode under PodcastTrack/EditedFiles/FirstNameLastName
Ex. PodcastTrack/EditedFiles/JohnDoe
Save it to your local machine. (Under PodcastTrack/Edited Files/FirstNameLastName)
At this point you should have two separate tracks – one of the hosts and one of the interviewee in the multitrack session
Go in and listen to each individually and silence the parts where the person isn’t talking so it sounds clean and eliminates background noise
- Left click to Drag to select the area
- Right Click–>Silence
- use Command + R on a mac to repeat last command
- DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING – This will keep the files from matching up. The files should be the exact same length
- If in doubt, leave it in. Don’t cut anyone off because someone is talking over someone else.
Balancing Volume Level
For every track make sure that 6 to 9 dB is the typical level on the Mixer
- The host should be slightly louder since he’s leading the conversation. The guest should never be consistently louder than the host
Save the project to your local machine
Applying Effects
In “Effects Rack” (on the left side, halfway down) – you’ll be applying an effect rack to both the host and guest track
Apply to All Tracks
Apply Filter and EQ / Graphic Equalizer 30 band / Lead Vocal to every track
Apply Filter and EQ / Graphic Equalizer 20 Band / Vocal Magic (breath)
Mix: Dry – Wet
- Take it down to 80 or 70
- This takes out some of the echo or broadcast sound
- In ideal recording situation, 70, less than ideal 80
Optional for each track
Apply Filter and EQ Filter / FFT / Kill the Mic Rumble
- Use this if there is a lot of background noise or if the speaker is a heavy breather into the mic
Amplitude and Compression / Desser
- If the Ps and Ss are really harsh for one side, apply this effect
SELECT the track(s) you want to apply the Effects to
- In most cases, you’ll apply the same effects to both tracks, but in the case that one is different than the other you may have to apply certain effects to one and not the other
APPLY EFFECTS RACK – Make sure you’ve applied it to the tracks in the multitrack
Note: You may need to apply some other effects for phone calls or certain files. The general guideline is maximize clarity and bass for any given file. The above are best practices and should be followed unless you have a better method for maximizing clarity and bass
At this point you should have two files with the dead space on each silenced, the appropriate effects applied to each from effects rack, and the volume matched up so that the host is slightly louder than the interviewee floating between -6 to -9 dB is the typical level on the Mixer
Save the silenced files to your local machine
Go to Multitrack → Mixdown to mix the Two Tracks Together. This will combine the voices of both the host and the guest into a single file
Delete the two separate tracks from the Multitrack section and add the Mixdown Track of the host and interviewee combined into the Multitrack Session
Editing Final Track
Delete the lead in/introduction phone chat.
The start of the main clip should be “Tell us who you are and what you do” or similar, whenever it’s clear that the interview is starting
Edit/cut to make the show flow quickly and clip along
- Take out any awkward silence or missteps
- Ex. “Umms” or “Ahhs” or “likes” “you know” or stuttering
- Remove any ramblings from the interviewee that aren’t relevant or are repetitive
- Also remove any overly promotional pieces that don’t provide actionable or strategic insights-
Delete the Post Show chit/chat after they give their contact information and the host thanks them for being on the show.
Adding Intro/Outro Files
Download the intro and outro clips from Audio Files/CMR Intro and Outro” folder in the dropbox folder.
- *Important* – Do not drag the files out of dropbox onto your local machine or it will remove them for everyone. Only copy them into the editor and be sure they are still in the dropbox folder.
There should be 5 total clips:
- Add the Introduction.wav File from Audio Files/CMR Intro and Outro before the Interview (this is the intro teaser file, if you recorded it)
- Add the “Interviewee Name Intro” file from their interview folder inside of The Un-Edited Interviews folder.
- (Ex. “DrJohnDoe Intro”)
- Add the recorded PodcastOutro.wav clip from Audio Files/Podcast Intro and Outro after the to end the show
Make sure the intro and outro clips transition smoothly into one another and with the main interview without a silent gap
Balancing the Volume Level Part 2
We need to make sure the intro and outros are at the right volume now.
For every track, go in make sure that -6 to -9 dB is the typical level on the Mixer when it’s playing in the multitrack
At this point you should have the whole show put together so that if you play it all in multitrack it’s complete, you just need to do the final mixdown by going to Multitrack→Mixdown Session to New File → Entire Session
With the final mixdown file
- Go to File→ Export → Multitrack Mixdown
- Save the Mixdown to a folder on your local machine as an mp3 File under Podcast Track/Edited Files/XX/XXFirstNameLastNameEdited
- Ex. /Podcast Track/Edited Files/01/01JohnDoeEdited
- Save and Hang on to all the raw files until 2 weeks after the interview goes live in case they need to be edited again into the same folder:
- Ex. /Podcast Track/Edited Files/01
Listen to the final mixdown file compared to the most recent episode in iTunes. Is the volume level the same?
If not, go back to Balancing Volume Level Part 2 and correct it. This way if someone listens to multiple interviews in a row, the volume will be consistent.
Adding ID3 Tags
Note:ID3 tags store information (like Author, Publication Date, etc.) about podcasts, and are additional information added to an .mp3 file that has been newly created. You’ll create the ID3 tags for the episode within Apple iTunes.
Within your iTunes, you should have/create a playlist named “Podcast Track” and put all the previous episodes.
This will be useful for referring to earlier .mp3 files and seeing how the ID3 tags were set up on them, so the format stays consistent.
- Drag the file from your local machine into the Podcast Track playlist of iTunes
- Find the file in iTunes
- Right click and edit info
- Login to
- Go to the posts section
- Find the post for the interviewee you are editing
- Go to the posts section
- Go the Info Tab and fill in the info as seen below:
- Name: Copy in the post title from formatted as “01: Title – Podcast Name”
- Ex. “01: How Providing the Best Care Leads to Higher Profits and More Fulfillment with John Doe and Adam Smith – Podcast Name”
- Artist: The Host
- Album: Podcast Track
- Comments: Copy the Teaser Copy and Listen to this Show and Learn into the Description
- Genre: Podcast
- Lyrics: Copy the Teaser Copy and Listen to this Show and Learn into the Description from
- Artwork: Go to the artwork tab and upload “PT-logo-1400x1400px” from the Final Artwork PT Logo Folder in Dropbox
Drag the file from iTunes onto your local desktop
- You must save file with ID3 tags locally – Dropbox does not always save them which mean they do not save to the editor & feed. Very important!
Select Get Info and Double Check that the ID3 tags were saved properly
Drop the file into the Dropbox folder (Edited Interviews) and title it XXPT.mp3 where XX is the show number
- Ex. 01PT.mp3
Email the host ( that the show is in dropbox
Upload to Libsyn
Notes: Tutorial from Libsyn:
- Go to
- Login to
- Open the current post that’s set to go live the next week.
- Inside of Libsyn Navigate to Content–>Add New Episode
- Go to Add Media File and Upload the file from dropbox as XXPT.mp3
- Copy the Show Title from the Title of the Blog Post in WordPress into Libsyn
- Copy the Teaser Copy and “Listen to this Show and Learn” into the Description portion
- That includes everything in the body of the post before “Mentions”
- Select Clean for Rating
- Click Save as a Draft at the bottom
- Return to the drafts page (Content→ drafts) and press play to confirm the draft is working
- Mark the post as Edited in the Podcast Production Schedule by putting a Y in the appropriate box.
Send an email saying the show is in the dropbox folder and uploaded to Libsyn
Editor May Stop Here
When the host gets the episode back, he will
Drag it into Podcasts “To Listen to” in iTunes
‘Drag it into “To Publish Files” on local machine
- Confirm ID3 Tags
Listen to the show and send the editor any notes if it needs to be changed
Drafting the Copy
General Notes
- While you’re doing the final edit of the show (the next step), take notes on it in a blog post on
- Write the post in a friendly, simple and direct tone
- Log-in to WordPress site
- Open the previous week’s podcast post in one tab and a new post in another tab
- Change the schedule date to years in the future (like 2035) so it doesn’t get published on accident
- Copy and Paste the Entire Body of the old Post into the new Post using the text editor
- Title the Post: XX: Episode Title with Guest Name(s)
- Ex.
- 01: How Providing the Best Care Leads to Higher Profits and More Fulfillment with John Doe and Adam Smith
- Ex.
- Make a custom URL slug to mirror Episode Number
- (Use Show Episode Ex.
- Ex.
- Write Teaser Copy for intro/lead-in
- Write this while or just after editing ideally so it’s fresh in your mind
- H2 Headline – Listen to this Show and Learn:
- Should be Teaser Bullet Points that make sense after reading the phrase “Listen to this Show and Learn”
- Don’t capitalize anything except proper nouns
- Always use periods at the end
- Use open hooks and teasers to prompt people to want to learn
- Should be Teaser Bullet Points that make sense after reading the phrase “Listen to this Show and Learn”
- H2 Headline – Mentions:
- Ex. link to “ “ NOT “”
- Book Titles – should be in italics
- Ex. The 4th Economy – Ron Davidson (Affiliate Link / Non-affiliate Link)
- Feature Photo:
- Use a headshot from interviewee’s website preferably or if not then their logo
- Categories:
- Select “podcast” under categories
- Preview and PROOF READ THE POST OUT LOUD and check for formatting issues again
- Save as a Draft
Finalizing the Post and Scheduling for Publishing
- Go to
- Login
- Go into Libsyn Content → Drafts
- Select the Edit button for the appropriate episode
- Scroll to the Bottom and Expand the “Schedule Release/Expiration”
- Select the Advanced Tab
- Check ONLY the Following Boxes
- Libsyn Classic Feed
- Web Player
- All other boxes can be unchecked
- Set the release date for both the Libsyn Classic Feed and the Web Player to the appropriate Tuesday at 3am EST (Libsyn is set in EST) according to the Production Schedule
- Copy the direct download URL
- Check ONLY the Following Boxes
- Log-in to
- Open the post to go live
- Paste in the Direct Download URL from Libsyn into the podcast episode box
- Click Verify to confirm the media is uploaded correctly
- Preview and PROOF READ THE POST OUT LOUD and formatting issues again
- schedule it to publish the appropriate Tuesday at 3am EST according to the Production Schedule
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